Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Jogging algorithms

Wrote this as a comment on a g+ joke post about how geeks run.. So while I don't take credit for the idea, this was my take on the algorithm which I share now for posterity :)

for(int i = 0; i < routeSteps.length;i++){
Panic() imLiterallyGoinToDie = new Panic();

Tea cuppa = new Tea();
System.out.println("never again");

//I spent WAY too much time on this

Sunday, 4 May 2014


Grown women everywhere, forget about what you think men want. 

That is all. 

Need some context? Ok, here goes:

Over the last couple of days I have spoken with and seen social media from single women who have given the males of our species domain over their emotions that in general, we neither understand nor do we deserve. 

Your state; be it happy, sad or whatever, should not be dependent on whether or not some bloke wants you, or whether he wanted you and now wants someone else. It shouldn't matter how he feels about whether you will sleep with him. Most of all, never compare yourself to past or present partners. 

In a relationship you build respect and the other half will, over time come to care about how you speak, how you feel and act towards them. If you're not in a relationship do not give someone that power. For all you know they don't give a shit. 

I will never figure women out and I suggest that women proceed as if the reverse is true also. 

Also, if you find that the same shit happens to you, I suggest you change the  way you meet men. Change scenery a bit. Get out of the town your in for a few days. Just do something different. You don't need dating sites or anything. Take a friend and go to the next city on for a quiet drink now and again. 

If you're in a town, and have been for a long time, things can get a bit... Claustrophobic?! Every bloke you meet has a mutual friend on fb. This is an emergency! You are about to lose five seconds in the crystal dome! Get out! 

Lastly don't go out lonely. Do anything to change your state before you meet men especially for the first time. Actually if you are changing scene and not giving men so much power you will probably start feeling better and this will come across.

Basically I'm not trying to give dating advice.  I'm trying to say have fun and find yourself mixing in different circles. Put men out of your mind and enjoy your life. I hate seeing friends unhappy.